
Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments.

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls. 1. A study is being done to test the affects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each one. Over a period […]

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. Read More »

What are the independent and dependent variables?

What are the independent and dependent variables? Independent Variable: Dissolved oxygen concentration. Dependent Variable: The number of fish.   5. What would be your control? Possible Control: Aquarium with no fish. Measure the dissolved oxygen level in a fish tank at normal room conditions, and repeat this measurement every time you make an observation of

What are the independent and dependent variables? Read More »

What are the resulting phenotypes for each cross? Are there any blue kernels?

Lab Template Week 5: Mendelian Genetics What are the resulting phenotypes for each cross? Are there any blue kernels? Submitted by: <your name here>   As you complete the lab, record your answers in this template. Save the document as LastName_FirstName_BIO1020_W5A3, and submit it to the Dropbox. Full lab instructions and the rubric with which

What are the resulting phenotypes for each cross? Are there any blue kernels? Read More »

Mendelian Genetics Lab

Mendelian Genetics Lab Background The laws of segregation, independent assortment, and dominance, discovered in the mid 19th century by Gregor Mendel, form the basis of all genetics. The ability to predict the results of crossing experiments and explain any variance between expected and observed results is still a vital part of our understanding of heredity.

Mendelian Genetics Lab Read More »

What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up

What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up Post-Lab Questions 1.    What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up?     2.    How does your answer from Question 1 relate to the Linnaean classification system?   Experiment

What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up Read More »

Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits.

  Significant Digits and Scientific Notation Part 1: Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits.   1.    405000     2.    0.0098     3.    39.999999     4.    13.00     5.    80,000,089     6.    55,430.00     7.    0.000033     8.    620.03080

Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits. Read More »

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments.

Experimental Variables Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls.   Observations 1.    A study is being done to test the effects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. Read More »