Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain or chest discomfort

Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain or chest discomfort


Mr. Rivera is pleasant and cooperative fatgued appearing young boy seated upright on the examination table. He is in no acute distress. He is alert. His speech is clear and coherent. He maintains eye contact throught the interview and examination. He offers information freely and without contradiction.

HEENT: scleara white, conjuctiva moist and pink bilaterally. Rhinorrhea with clear mucus, nasal mucosa is boggy bilaterally. Right tympanic membrane is erythematous with inflammation. Right cervical lymph node is enlarged with noted tenderness. oral mucosa mosit and pink. Tonsils 2+ with erythema and inflammation. Posterior pharynx is erythematous with cobblestoning. Fine bumps noted on tongue.

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