Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences homework help

5/5/2018 Grades: View

Applied Sciences homework help
Applied Sciences homework help 1/3

This project is a reprise of the Mid-Term total grade project. You need to do the following: Tally the scores of your SimNet projects, books and exams, Attendance, Moodle Exams, and assignments. Find the Average for the semester. Determine what your letter grade would be. You should include some what-if analysis to see what grades on the final would earn you an A or B, etc. IF you did well on all SimNet exams and you have an A at this point, you need to determine if you can be excused from the final exam. *** Please note that you will be getting the grades for SimNet from Chapters 5 – 9 in Excel AND Chapters 1-2-3 in Access. The attendance and Moodle information is from March 12th till May 2. Extra credit is added to exams or assignments as needed and NOT tallied in the total sum. Do I need someone who is good at Mic Excel and Tally the scores in excel?

User report – Waseem Alnhas

Grade item Grade Range Letter grade Feedback

Contribution to course total

 CIS110: Introduction to Computer Applications for Business (Klenner) – Spring 2018

Group – Paper Draft Submission

– 0–10 – –

Topic or Problem Statement Assignment with Outline Document

– 0–5 – –

What do I want to be when I grow up?

10.00 0–10 A 6.67 %

Attendance 85.71 0–100 B 57.14 %

Essay Assignment for the Ford Pinto and Tylenol Tampering Case

20.00 0–20 A I liked your argument about AI…

13.33 %

What is Artificial Intelligence

– 0–3 – –

Quiz on Ethics and Information Security

– 0–30 – –

Final Grade Project Assignment

0.00 0–15 F 0.00 %

Final Research Poster

– 0–25 – –

Final Draft of Paper

– 0–25 – –

User report

5/5/2018 Grades: View 2/3

Grade item Grade Range Letter grade Feedback

Contribution to course total

5 Points Extra Credit

5.00 0–5 A I’m not sure but I think you are meaning shaping our world not shaking it? Good job though.

3.33 %

Concept Exam AI and SAP

– 0–30 – –

Concept Exam AI and SAP FOR KYLE ONLY

– 0–30 – –

Group Project Paper Outline and task assignment

– 0–10 – –

First Draft of Final Paper

– 0–10 – –

5 Point Extra Credit Victim’s Resource Center

– 0–5 – –

Extra Credit Daraja Children’s Choir

– 0–5 – –

Access Database In-Class Design Project

– 0–15 – –

Extra Credit Cryptography Panel

– 0–5 – –

Data and Stuff I Said exam

– 0–25 – –

Final Grade Tally Project

– 0–15 – –

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