Analyzed contributory factors and determined lessons learned and best practices.

Analyzed contributory factors and determined lessons learned and best practices.

Analyzed contributory factors and determined lessons learned and best practices. Considered one or more possible outcomes.

Analyzed a number of

contributory factors. Used an

analytical approach that

considers either risk analysis,

cost-benefit analysis, or SWOT

analysis (strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats).


recommendations or

practical courses of

action based on the

conclusions of the


Did not offer any recommendations or practical courses of action based on the conclusions of the analysis.

Offered recommendations that were not practical, or were not in alignment with the factors in the case study.

Offered recommendations or practical courses of action based on the conclusions of the analysis.


recommendations or

practical courses of

action based on the

conclusions of the

analysis. Considered

possible barriers to

implementation and

ways to overcome


Offered recommendations or

practical courses of action based

on the conclusions of the

analysis. Considered possible

barriers to implementation and

ways to overcome them.

Considered the potential

ramifications associated with

the recommended courses of


Continued below… Continued below… Continued below… Continued below… Continued below… Continued below…

Submitted a well written product using proper terminology, grammar, and sentence structure.

Submitted a very poor written product that does not meet the minimum standards of a college scholastic work.

Submitted a poorly written product containing numerous grammatical errors, poor syntax, and inappropriate terminology.

Submitted a well written product using proper terminology, grammar, and sentence structure.

Submitted a well written product using proper terminology, grammar, and sentence structure with no, or very few errors.

Submitted an outstanding written product using proper terminology, grammar, and sentence structure with no errors. Avoided very long paragraphs and were logically divided. The syntax and tone of the narrative was consistent throughout the work.

Total Points =

Total Maximum Points = 20

Conversion Table (from 20 point scale to a 25 point scale)

Rubric Score Percentage Gradebook Score

20 100 50

19 95 48

18 90 45

17 85 43

16 80 40

15 75 38

14 70 35

13 65 33

12 60 30

11 55 28

10 50 25

9 45 23

8 40 20

7 35 18

6 30 15

5 25 13

4 20 10

3 15 8

2 10 5

1 5 1

0 0 0

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