Adult Literacy or GED Teacher

Adult Literacy or GED Teacher

You may have discovered you do not want to teach children, but that does not necessarily mean you do not want to continue to be an educator. Adults also need qualified educators to teach them basic reading, writing, and math skills—often to earn their GED (General Educational Development)— or basic English language skills for those who are new to the United States. Licensing requirements for adult literacy or GED teachers vary by state. Some require, at the minimum, a bachelor’s degree in education, while you must have a master’s degree to teach in others. Many employers prefer to hire experienced job candidates but if you spent time working in a classroom with children, you will qualify.




This week your task is to research and evaluate career options in the education arena that are of interest to you.

Prior to completing this discussion forum, compile a list of the information about various career options in education then invite your classmates to engage in a conversation with you and review the six pillars of character (Links to an external site.) . Post at least one question around your career interests in education..

Craft a thought-provoking question around one of the following items:

· career goals and options in education,

· pathways to becoming and educator,

· academic and credential requirements,

· how the six pillars of character (Links to an external site.) might apply in a career choice in the education field, or

· any other intriguing question topics you may have.

The idea is for you to further the critical thinking processes of your classmates by challenging them to broaden their awareness of career options and requirements in the field of education.

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