Exemplary Proficient Fair Not Evident
Build a judge profile
Provides a thorough judge profile
Provides an adequate judge profile
Provides minimal evidence of a judge profile
No evidence of a judge profile
Perform company research
2 thorough company profiles from independent sources are included
2 adequate company profiles from independent sources are included
1 company profile from independent sources is included
No evidence of company profiles from independent sources is included
Evaluate Internet information quality
Thorough paragraphs evaluating the content of the information in the two sites are provided
Adequate paragraphs evaluating the content of the information in the two sites are provided
Minimal evidence is provided of evaluating the content of the information in the two sites
No evidence of evaluating content of the information in the sites provided
Formulate a search request
2 or more queries for the research assignment using (A) natural language and (B) terms and connectors are provided
2 queries for research assignment using (A) natural language and (B) terms and connectors are provided
1 query for research assignment using (A) natural language and (B) terms and connectors are provided
No evidence of queries for the research are provided
Search and retrieve primary and secondary legal materials
All 5 materials are provided
4 materials are provided
3 or fewer materials are provided
No evidence of primary or secondary materials is provided
Verify the accuracy of case law and statutes
Thoroughly validates the legal materials
Adequately validates the legal materials
Minimal evidence of validating the legal materials
No evidence of validating the legal materials
CALR 008071
Student Name:
Student Number:
Conduct company and financial research
Locates the company headquarters, address, and telephone number for eBay, the online auction house. Provides samples of research results. Provides the first two pages of the latest quarterly (10Q) report for Dell Computer Corporation
Locates most of the company information and provides quarterly reports
Locates minimal company information and provides quarterly reports