CJ 210 Module Five Assignment Template Systemic Issues in Prisons

Course Documents/CJ 210 Module Five Assignment Template.docx


CJ 210 Module Five Assignment Template Systemic Issues in Prisons


Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Be sure to cite all references in APA style.


Systemic Issues

Systemic Issue How are these systemic issues handled in the prison you have chosen?

(75–100 words each)

What changes could be made to lessen the effects of these issues?

(100–150 words)

[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
[Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]


Personal Approach

[In 100 to 150 words, discuss your personal approach to the purpose of punishment.]



[Cite your sources in APA style.]

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