What is your image of the young child?

  1. What is your image of the young child? What experiences or ideas influenced the construction of this image?
  2. How do you imagine we will perceive the child of the future, and how will curriculum adapt?
  3. Using the description of the seventeen imaginary children from the opening vignette, describe how you would prepare for and welcome these children to your class.
Key Terms

Click on each key term to see the definition.

Achievement gap

The distance between what a child is expected to know and be able to do at any point in time and what achievement test scores indicate the child does not know and cannot do

Cultural values and norms

Standards for behavior derived from socially constructed values


A view of others that is limited by the belief that one’s own race is superior

Gender role

The expectations for behavior considered socially appropriate for each sex


In education, a descriptor applied to individuals or groups of children indicating a particular disability or special need


Criteria that must be met before a child is considered eligible for school (kindergarten); usually social and academic skills are considered among those criteria

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