Treatment and Management:

Diagnostic plan: Oligonucleotide probes test will be ordered and send out to outside diagnostic lab company. Wet mount test, KOH/whiff test, and litmus test for pH were all ordered and tested. Results: positive.

Treatment and Management:

Bacterial vaginosis resolved spontaneously for most women, but the patient has been having the symptoms for one week. I will use an antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics Therapy:

Metronidazole (Flagyl), 500 mg orally twice daily for seven days .

Alternative Therapy

I will recommend probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, which will help eliminate high levels of bad bacteria and replace them with good bacteria. The rationale is that acidophilus is a known good bacteria. Also, I will recommend apple cider vinegar; the rationale is that bacterial vaginosis is caused be change in vaginal pH. The apple cider vinegar is natural acidic compound and will help regulate the patient body pH and naturally restore pH balance (Machado, Castro, Palmeira-de-Oliveira, Martinez-de-Oliveira, & Cerca, 2015). In addition, I will recommend hydrogen peroxide because hydrogen peroxide is natural disinfecting agent, and patient will be directed to insert tampon soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide purchased at drugstore, the goal is to eliminate bad bacteria in the patient body (Machado et al., 2015).

Nonpharmacological Treatment:

Yogurt will be recommended to the patient, and patient advised to eat two cups of plain yogurt daily. Rationale is to restore normal pH balance in the vagina inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria. Moreover, tea tree oil will be recommended to the patient, and patient will be instructed to add few drops of tea tree oil in warm water, stir the water and use the water to rinse vaginal daily for three to 4 weeks (Machado et al., 2015). The rationale is to kill the bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis as well as eliminate the foul fishy odor associated with bacterial vaginosis because tea tree oil has both natural antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Furthermore, patient will instructed to eat raw or cooked garlic daily because the garlic natural antibiotic properties. The rationale is to keep the eliminate bad bacterial (Machado et al., 2015).

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