How would you respond to the proponent’s first argument?

Capital Punishment
Proponents of capital punishment frequently cite deterrence as a benefit of the death penalty (argument 1). Some studies refute this contention. When confronted with such studies, proponents sometimes respond that execution “will definitely deter the executed offender.” They also argue that death is the only thing that some offenders really “deserve.” (2).
Opponents of the death penalty often point out that research shows that executing someone costs more than incarcerating them for life (3). They also argue that current capital punishment practices “violate the evolving levels of decency that define a civilized society” (4).
1.) How would you respond to the proponent’s first argument?
2.) How you would respond to the proponent’s second argument?
3.) Do you think there is a point at which the economic consequences of execution outweigh its value to the public? Explain.
4.) Do you agree with the opponent’s second statement? Why or why not?
5.) Is your stance on the death penalty (whether you oppose or support it) informed by the Innocence Project? If it is not- browse their website to learn what they do and results they can had. Then discuss something you learned and whether that changed or strengthened your viewpoint or why you still feel/think the same?? If your personal views are already informed by the Innocence Project- discuss how it has educated your opinion?