Discuss how the concepts in this course can be related or compared to real-world situations like political issues of time. Minimum of 200 words

Journal VIII: Real-world situations
Immigration and protection of individual rights are concepts in the course that relates to the current American political landscape. As discussed in the course, immigration into the United States began in the 1600s with people seeking to attain religious freedom and for economic opportunities. This resulted in the colonization of America. The issue of immigration in current American politics is top escalating debates over the policies that have been put in place to curb immigration. In the Recent, Trump instructed the construction of the physical wall on the U.S-Mexican border to prevent entry of the Mexicans to the U.S, banned Syria national from entering the U.S indefinitely, and ended the temporary protected status for Haitians, and Nicaraguans. His actions have ignited unending debated over the immigration issue. Protection of individual rights was a major concern for the Federalists and Anti-Federalists over the ratification of the Constitution. The Federalists felt that having a strong national government could offer better protection of individual liberties and rights while the Anti-Federalists felt that strong state governments would offer better protection of individual rights. In the recent, five years ago, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender did not have the same rights as the other citizens, for example, marriage rights, but now states in the United States extend all rights to these group of people.