How could the new practice strategies improve health care quality?

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1) Briefly summarize your selected issue (see my PIICOT question below & attached file) and propose new evidence-based practice strategies. Describe the theoretical basis for your strategies.

2) Discuss the potential economic impact of your suggested strategies.

3) How could the new practice strategies improve health care quality?

Required Readings

White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terharr, M. F. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter 6, “Translation of Evidence for Leadership”

Balakas, K., Sparks, L., Steurer, L., & Bryant, T. (2013). An outcome of evidence-based practiced education: Sustained clinical decision-making among bedside nurses. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28, 479-485.

Brown, D.S. (2012). Interview with quality leaders: Dr. Donna E. Shalala and Dr. Linda Burnes Bolton on the committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation initiative on the future of nursing at the Institute of Medicine. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 24(4), 40-44.

Brandt, B., Lutfiyya, M.N., King, J.A., & Chioresco, C. ( 2014). A scoping review of interprofessional collaborative practice and education using the lens of the Triple Aim. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(5), 393-399.

Grindel, C.G. (2016). Clinical leadership: A call to action. Med-Surg Nursing, 25(1), 9-16.

Mannix, J., Wilkes, L, & Daly, J. (2015). Grace under fire: Aesthetic leadership in clinical nursing, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 2649-2658.

Stetler, C.B., Ritchie, J.A., Rycroft-Malone, J., & Charns, M.P. (2014). Leadership for evidence-based practice: Strategic and functional behaviors for institutionalizing EBP. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(4), 219-226.

Schaffer, M.A., Sandau, K.E., & Diedrick, L. (2013). Evidence-based practice models for organizational change: overview and practical applications. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(5), 1197-1209 (see attached file).

PIICOT Question

In patients in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility in Eastern United States, how does early mobilization as recommended by National Institute of Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines on rehabilitation of patients after critical illness impact early transfers from intensive care as measured 6 months post-implementation when compared to the current standard of care including minimal mobilization of patients?

P: Adult patients

I: in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility

I: increased mobilization of the patients

C: minimal mobilization of the patients

O: early transfers of the patients from intensive care

T: 6 months

Due tomorrow 10/03/18 by 10:00 am. Thanks!

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