Language has been a major barrier for the Hispanic Community.
The primary language spoken within the community is Spanish. Most of their population like to speak in Spanish in their homes, a statistic that is at 73% of the households. This is a fall from the previous peak in the year 2000 when it was at 78% ( Stang & Bonilla, 2018) . The second generation has continued to speak the language while the third generation has taken up new forms of mixed Spanish and English. When communicating with outsiders the community has been talking in English though some of them do not completely understand and talk in English. The proficiency in talking in English among the community has been in decline for the past 15 years ( Sanchez, 2018) . This is attributed to the growth of the Spanish community in the US which is the second-largest language being spoken. The third generation is continuing the trends of learning the language and communicating using it. Their communication with the outside community is sometimes very had as they mostly prefer indirect communication, are hesitant in giving direct denials, are very tactile people when communicating, direct eye contact is appreciated, maintain proximity when talking, and use body gestures when communicating ( Sanchez, 2018) . All these factors come in learning to understand how to effectively communicate with them in healthcare facilities.