Should the job of operating prisons be the sole responsibility of the government?
In my opinion, all prisons and jails should be run by the executive branch of governments and have oversight conducted by the legislative branch to minimize corruption and abuse. First of all, that’s the way our government was established. Secondly, our judicial system claims to remove the personalization of crime. Prosecutors, not victims, are charged with pursuing justice with the expectation that someone unrelated to the victim will objectively and fairly apply the rule of law. Prosecutors are considered public servants, so why would they hand off the conclusion of their job to private companies? Although there are members of the government who take bribes and / or conduct themselves with prejudice, these behaviors are multiplied when private companies are given this responsibility. The main motivator and responsibility of private companies is to make money while government officials are supposed to be motivated and legally held responsible for the safety of taxpayers. A fourth reason is that it is cheaper in the long run. CCA, now calling itself Core Civic, was the first privately owned facility in modern times to take over prisons. During a time of escalating crime in America, CCA claimed they could save taxpayers a great deal of money. That may be true for some facilities if you don’t count the costs of endless lawsuits, abuses, and human-rights and safety violations committed by private companies (who refuse to comply with freedom of information requests unless taken to court), but many private prisons have cost taxpayers more money than government facilities. As long as we allow Abusers of Power to dictate society’s response to criminal acts, there will be corruption and suffering because this group wants us to behave in ways that enhance their power and wealth. Viewing people who commit crimes as wounded individuals who need and deserve to be healed for their own good and the good of the community is presented as too expensive and lenient – not because it is, but because Abusers of Power cannot profit from such a model. Instead, Abusers of Power have manipulated society into viewing just about any sort of perceived misconduct as worthy of punishment (unless it is someone in their inner circle who is behaving badly). The masses believe these lies because it makes them feel powerful, protected, and righteous. None of those feelings are grounded in truth, but Abusers of Power do their best to keep truth hidden.
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