When Is a Gift a Bribe?

When Is a Gift a Bribe?

When Is a Gift a Bribe? Frequently, the boundary between a legitimate gift and a bribe is very subtle. Gifts of nominal value, such as coffee mugs or calendars with a vendor’s logo and phone number on it, are really just an advertising tool. Generally, there is no problem with accepting these types of items. Dining with a customer or a supplier is also an acceptable practice, especially if everyone pays his or her own way. It is important from the point of view of both suppliers and customers that good relations be main- tained so that good service can be provided. Social interaction, such as eating together, often facilitates the type of close and successful interactions required by both sides. However, when meals or gifts are no longer of low cost and the expense of these items is not shared equally, the possibility for abuse becomes large.

4.6.2 Examples of Gifts vs. Bribes To help illustrate the difference between bribes and legitimate gifts, let’s look at a few potential scenarios to see how fuzzy this boundary can be. No answer will be

66 4.6 An Application of Problem-Solving Methods: Bribery/Acceptance of Gifts

given to the questions posed, but rather the solution of these questions will be left to the reader.

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