What would you do to improve on your existing relationships or build new ones?

What would you do to improve on your existing relationships or build new ones?

Main Elements

You must include how you will address the following aspects of your health:

  1. Physical � This may include dietary choices, the use of supplements or medicine, exercise choices, environmental factors, weight management, the elimination of tobacco use, or preventative medicine. You may consider how you will ensure optimal health care from your provider(s). If you are not sure how to proceed, think about a health condition or disease that runs in your family. What can you do to reduce your chances of getting this condition? Or, how can you ensure your physical safety?
  2. Emotional � You can consider stress management techniques, ways to boost your level of happiness, address your spiritual needs, and improve your sleep habits.
  3. Social � What would you do to improve on your existing relationships or build new ones? What considerations would be key in your being able to do this successfully?

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