What value comes from undertaking both qualitative and quantitative research?

In the Discussion Board for this unit, you are discussing qualitative and quantitative research that has been used to improve public safety. Of the research shared, select your favorite 4 examples of qualitative and quantitative research. Using this list, draft an argumentative essay that convinces the reader why both qualitative and quantitative research are important to public safety. Consider the following questions: What are the limitations of qualitative and quantitative research? What are potential issues in only using qualitative or quantitative research? What value comes from undertaking qualitative and quantitative research?
The specific steps are as follows:
1. Reviewing the unit Discussion Board, find your favorite 4 examples of research using both qualitative and quantitative research.
2. Construct a 4-page argumentative essay convincing your reader of the value and importance of using both qualitative and quantitative research.
3. Address each of the following questions:
1. What are the limitations of qualitative and quantitative research?
2. What are potential issues in only using qualitative or quantitative research?
3. What value comes from undertaking both qualitative and quantitative research?
4. Use no fewer than 6 scholarly resources.