What strategies might you use to develop an individualized approach to help them become more resilient?

What strategies might you use to develop an individualized approach to help them become more resilient?

Young girl climbs on playground equipment.

iStockphoto / Thinkstock

Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Describe the rationale for promoting physical wellness and fitness in the curriculum.
  • Explain the function and benefits of outside play.
  • Describe appropriate curricular activities and strategies for promoting the development of gross motor skills.
  • Describe appropriate curricular activities and strategies for promoting the development of fine motor skills.
  • Describe appropriate curricular activities and strategies for promoting health and safety education.


Yesterday on the playground you noticed that while some of the children seem to have an inexhaustible supply of energy for climbing and running, there is clearly a small group who are not interested in moving at all and spend most of their time sitting or lying on the ground waiting to go back inside. Also, Lottie does not want to play any games with a ball, because she says the kids make fun of her clumsiness. Further, you have had conversations about food connected with your visits to a couple of restaurants in your neighborhood study and learned that many of children do not have healthy diets and are already overweight for their age and size.

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What strategies might you use to develop an individualized approach to help them become more resilient?
What strategies might you use to develop an individualized approach to help them become more resilient?

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