What proportion (%) of the total genome does this represent?

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Pre-Lab Questions


· There are approximately 3,000,000,000 base pairs in the mammalian genome (genes constitute only a portion of this total).

· There are approximately 10,000 genes in the mammalian genome.

· A single gene averages 10,000 base pairs in size.

· Only 1 out of 3 mutations that occur in a gene result in a change to the protein structure.


In the mammalian genome:


1. How many total base-pairs are in all the mammalian genes?

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2. What proportion (%) of the total genome does this represent?



3. What is the probability that a random mutation will occur in any given gene?



4. What is the probability that a random mutation will change the structure of a protein?


Note: In the following experiments on gene pool, gene frequency, and genetic diversity; assume there are four alleles for color and that they are all homologous.

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