What precautions should you take with a patient that is a fall risk?

What precautions should you take with a patient that is a fall risk?

In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming exam: What precautions should you take with a patient that is a fall risk?

With a patient in a fall risk, you should have them only get up when there is someone with them, use bed alarm and have them wear a fall risk band.

Statement 03/29/19 2:26 PM EDT

Time to begin.

Good Morning Tina, My name is jenn i will be your nurse today

Greet 03/29/19 2:28 PM EDT


Can you tell me your name and date of birth

Question 03/29/19 2:28 PM EDT

My name’s Tina Jones, and my birthday’s February 17th.

Vitals measured

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:29 PM EDT

ON a 0­10 scale, how would you rate your pain right now tina

Question 03/29/19 2:29 PM EDT

I’d give it a 5 or 6 out of 10 right now.

do you have any problems with your joints

Question 03/29/19 2:30 PM EDT

No, my joints are fine.

do you have any pain in your joints

Question 03/29/19 2:30 PM EDT

My joints don’t hurt.

have you noticed any swelling in your joints

Question 03/29/19 2:31 PM EDT

No, I’ve never had joint problems.

do you have any muscle pain

Question 03/29/19 2:31 PM EDT

My muscles don’t hurt.

do you have any muscle weakness

Question 03/29/19 2:31 PM EDT

No, I wouldn’t say I feel weak.

do you have any bone pain

Question 03/29/19 2:31 PM EDT

My bones aren’t hurting me, no.

have you had any recent injury or trauma to your bones

Question 03/29/19 2:32 PM EDT

I haven’t had anything really serious before. I think my foot right now is the worst injury I’ve had!

are you able o bathe yourself normally (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/29/19 2:32 PM EDT

are you able to bathe yourself

Question 03/29/19 2:32 PM EDT

I’ve been stuck sitting on my butt for the last few days with my foot hurting so much. I could get out of bed, but my walk was basically a hobble so I stayed at home.

have you needed any help pto shower

Question 03/29/19 2:33 PM EDT

I don’t need anything right now, thanks.

do you have chronic health issues

Question 03/29/19 2:33 PM EDT

I’ve had asthma since I was little, and I have sugar diabetes, too.

do you have family history of joint disease (Clarified to Any family member with degenerative joint disorder?.)

Question 03/29/19 2:34 PM EDT

No, I don’t think so. (Clarified to if I have a family history of degenerative joint disease.)

do you have any history of arthritis (Clarified to Has anyone in your family had arthritis?.)

Question 03/29/19 2:34 PM EDT

No, I don’t know about that. (Clarified to if anyone in my family has arthritis.)

do you have a history with arthritis

Question 03/29/19 2:35 PM EDT

No, I don’t have arthritis! I’m a little young for that. . .

do you have any family history of hip replacements (Clarified to Does obesity run in your family?.)

Question 03/29/19 2:35 PM EDT

No, I don’t think so. My brother and my dad are kind of big, but I wouldn’t say they were obese or anything. (Clarified to if obesity runs in my family.)

Have you been able to function normally (Clarified to Can you change positions?.)

Question 03/29/19 2:36 PM EDT

I can sit up and everything, but I’d definitely need some help to stand up or walk since my foot is still hurting so bad. (Clarified to if I can change positions.)

have you been able to do normal activities on your own (Clarified to Have you been able to work?.)

Question 03/29/19 2:36 PM EDT

I’ve had to miss work for sure­­I’m on my feet all day for my job, and that obviously wouldn’t work with my foot the way it is, if I could even get over there. (Clarified to if I have been able to work.)

Inspected front of neck

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected left side of neck

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected back of neck

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected right side of neck

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected front of neck

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected shoulders from the front

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected left shoulder

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected upper back

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected right shoulder

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected shoulders from the front

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected left arm

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected right arm

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:37 PM EDT

Inspected left elbow

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected right elbow

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected left wrist

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected both wrists

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected right wrist

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected both hands

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected left hand

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected right hand

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected front of hips

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected left side of hips

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected back of hips

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected right side of hips

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:38 PM EDT

Inspected front of thighs

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected left thigh

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected back of thighs

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected right thigh

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected front of knees

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected left knee

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected back of knees

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected right knee

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected front of legs

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected left leg

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected back of legs

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected right leg

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:39 PM EDT

Inspected left ankle

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Inspected both ankles

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Inspected right ankle

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Inspected left foot

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Inspected soles of feet: Right: Laceration and swelling, expected curvature. Left: No visible abnormal findings, expected curvature.

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Inspected right foot

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:40 PM EDT

Tested ROM of neck ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:41 PM EDT

Tested ROM of neck ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:41 PM EDT

Tested ROM of neck ­ lateral bending: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:41 PM EDT

Tested ROM of neck ­ rotation: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:41 PM EDT

Tested ROM of shoulders ­ adduction: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:41 PM EDT

Tested ROM of shoulders ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:42 PM EDT

Tested ROM of shoulders ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:42 PM EDT

Tested ROM of elbows ­ flexion and extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:42 PM EDT

Tested ROM of elbows ­ supination and pronation: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:42 PM EDT

Tested ROM of wrists ­ ulnar and radial deviation: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:43 PM EDT

Tested ROM of wrists ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:43 PM EDT

Tested ROM of wrists ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:43 PM EDT

Tested spinal ROM ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:43 PM EDT

Tested spinal ROM ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:43 PM EDT

Tested spinal ROM ­ lateral bending: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:44 PM EDT

Tested spinal ROM ­ rotation to the left: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:44 PM EDT

Tested spinal ROM ­ rotation to the right: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:44 PM EDT

Tested ROM of hips ­ abduction: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:44 PM EDT

Tested ROM of hips ­ adduction: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:45 PM EDT

Tested ROM of hips ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:45 PM EDT

Tested ROM of hips ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:45 PM EDT

Tested ROM of knees ­ extension: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:46 PM EDT

Tested ROM of knees ­ flexion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:46 PM EDT

Tested ROM of ankles ­ inversion and eversion: Expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:46 PM EDT

Tested ROM of ankles ­ dorsiflexion and plantar flexion: Right, reduced dorsi­ and plantar flexion; Left, expected

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:47 PM EDT

Tested neck strength ­ head down: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:47 PM EDT

Tested neck strength ­ head turned to the left: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:47 PM EDT

Tested neck strength ­ head tilted to the left: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:48 PM EDT

Tested neck strength ­ head turned to the right: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:48 PM EDT

Tested neck strength ­ head tilted to the right: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:48 PM EDT

Tested right and left shoulder strength: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:48 PM EDT

Tested elbow strength during extension: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:49 PM EDT

Tested wrist strength during extension ­ down: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:49 PM EDT

Tested right and left hand strength with grip test: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:49 PM EDT

Tested right and left hip strength: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:50 PM EDT

Tested right and left knee strength: 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:50 PM EDT

Tested right and left ankle strength: Right 4/5, Left 5/5

Exam Action 03/29/19 2:50 PM EDT

Thank you for your time tina

Question 03/29/19 2:51 PM EDT

Alright, thanks.

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