What is your final diagnosis for the hypoxemia?

What is your final diagnosis for the hypoxemia?

What is your final diagnosis for the hypoxemia?
What is your final diagnosis for the hypoxemia?

Answer the following questions:


30.What are 4 plausible differential diagnoses for Mrs. X’s hypoxemia that are specific to her clinical scenario? How would each diagnosis cause a hypoxemia?


31.What is your final diagnosis for the hypoxemia?


32.What are the most likely organisms to cause the diagnoses you identified in question 2?


33.Upon initial evaluation what category of sepsis was Mrs. X?


34.Upon re-evaluation what category of sepsis was Mrs. X?


35.Why is a gram negative bacteremia more serious than one caused by a gram positive organism?


36.What is the most likely source of Mrs. X sepsis?


37.What is a CVP and what does a value of 3 indicate? Why is Mrs. X CVP 3?


38.What is a Procalcitonin and what is its purpose?

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