What effects did these exchanges have on the environment?



  • Review Columbian Exchange
  • Lecture: Neo-Europes
  • Analysis:SublimusDei-On theEnslavement and Evangelization ofIndians(1537)
  • Sign up for in-class presentations
  • Writing time for medium-lengthpaper
  1. Marks, pgs. 67-86
  2. Reading ComprehensionQuiz #5 due tomorrow night
  3. medium-length paper dueThurs at 11:59 pm


  • Alfred Crosby’sColumbian Exchange
  • Where did these exchanges take place?
  • What did people bring?
  • Anything unintentional?
  • Any differences between the different exchanges
  • What effects did these exchanges have on theenvironment?


“European Emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, whichrequires explanation. It is more difficult to account for the distribution of thissubdivision of the human species than that of any other.The locations of theothers make an obvious kind of sense. All but a relatively few of themembers of the many varieties of Asians live in Asia. Black Africans live onthree continents, but most of them are concentrated in their originallatitudes, the tropics, facing each other across one ocean. Amerindians, withfew exceptions, live in the Americas, and nearly every last AustralianAborigine dwells in Australia. Eskimos live in the circumpolar lands, andMelanesians, Polynesians, and Micronesians are scattered through the islandsof only one ocean, albeit a large one.All these peoples have expandedgeographically–have committed acts of imperialism, if you will–but theyhave expanded into lands adjacent to or at least near to those in which theyhad already been living, or, in the case of the Pacific peoples, to the nextisland and the to the next after that, however, many kilometers of watermight lie between.Europeans, in contrast, seem to have leapfrogged aroundthe globe.”–Alfred Crosby,Ecological Imperialism

“European Emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, whichrequires explanation. It is more difficult to account for the distribution of thissubdivision of the human species than that of any other.The locations of theothers make an obvious kind of sense. All but a relatively few of themembers of the many varieties of Asians live in Asia. Black Africans live onthree continents, but most of them are concentrated in their originallatitudes, the tropics, facing each other across one ocean. Amerindians, withfew exceptions, live in the Americas, and nearly every last AustralianAborigine dwells in Australia. Eskimos live in the circumpolar lands, andMelanesians, Polynesians, and Micronesians are scattered through the islandsof only one ocean, albeit a large one. All these peoples have expandedgeographically–have committed acts of imperialism, if you will–but theyhave expanded into lands adjacent to or at least near to those in which theyhad already been living, or, in the case of the Pacific peoples, to the nextisland and the to the next after that, however, many kilometers of watermight lie between. Europeans, in contrast, seem to have leapfrogged aroundthe globe.”–AlfreDCrOsby,Ecological Imperialism

“European Emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, whichrequires explanation. It is more difficult to account for the distribution of thissubdivision of the human species than that of any other.The locations of theothers make an obvious kind of sense. All but a relatively few of themembers of the many varieties of Asians live in Asia. Black Africans live onthree continents, but most of them are concentrated in their originallatitudes, the tropics, facing each other across one ocean. Amerindians, withfew exceptions, live in the Americas, and nearly every last AustralianAborigine dwells in Australia. Eskimos live in the circumpolar lands, andMelanesians, Polynesians, and Micronesians are scattered through the islandsof only one ocean, albeit a large one.All these peoples have expandedgeographically–have committed acts of imperialism, if you will–but theyhave expanded into lands adjacent to or at least near to those in which theyhad already been living, or, in the case of the Pacific peoples, to the nextisland and the to the next after that, however, many kilometers of watermight lie between. Europeans, in contrast, seem to have leapfrogged aroundthe globe.”–AlfreDCrOsby,Ecological Imperialism

“European Emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, whichrequires explanation. It is more difficult to account for the distribution of thissubdivision of the human species than that of any other.The locations of theothers make an obvious kind of sense. All but a relatively few of themembers of the many varieties of Asians live in Asia. Black Africans live onthree continents, but most of them are concentrated in their originallatitudes, the tropics, facing each other across one ocean. Amerindians, withfew exceptions, live in the Americas, and nearly every last AustralianAborigine dwells in Australia. Eskimos live in the circumpolar lands, andMelanesians, Polynesians, and Micronesians are scattered through the islandsof only one ocean, albeit a large one.All these peoples have expandedgeographically–have committed acts of imperialism, if you will–but theyhave expanded into lands adjacent to or at least near to those in which theyhad already been living, or, in the case of the Pacific peoples, to the nextisland and the to the next after that, however, many kilometers of watermight lie between.Europeans, in contrast, seem to have leapfrogged aroundthe globe.”–AlfreDCrOsby,Ecological Imperialism

“European Emigrants and their descendants are all over the place, whichrequires explanation. It is more difficult to account for the distribution of thissubdivision of the human species than that of any other.The locations of theothers make an obvious kind of sense. All but a relatively few of themembers of the many varieties of Asians live in Asia. Black Africans live onthree continents, but most of them are concentrated in their originallatitudes, the tropics, facing each other across one ocean. Amerindians, withfew exceptions, live in the Americas, and nearly every last AustralianAborigine dwells in Australia. Eskimos live in the circumpolar lands, andMelanesians, Polynesians, and Micronesians are scattered through the islandsof only one ocean, albeit a large one. All these peoples have expandedgeographically–have committed acts of imperialism, if you will–but theyhave expanded into lands adjacent to or at least near to those in which theyhad already been living, or, in the case of the Pacific peoples, to the nextisland and the to the next after that, however, many kilometers of watermight lie between.Europeans, in contrast, seem to have leapfrogged aroundthe globe.”–Alfred Crosby,Ecological Imperialism

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