What changes would you make if you could re-create each press release? 

 What changes would you make if you could re-create each press release?

Using the provided list, select one incident and analyze the respective video and printed press releases.

Incident 1: UNC Academic Scandal: video press release/print press release PDF

Incident 2: Maria Sharapova PED scandal: video press release/ESPN coverage of the scandal (pay close attention to the quotes from the ITF)/press release directly from Maria Sharapova

Incident 3: Tiger Woods scandal: video press release/print press release PDF

  • Create a summary of each type of press release for your chosen incident.
  • Describe the positive and negative aspects of each press release, discussing what works in terms of connecting to the reader/viewer.
  • What changes would you make if you could re-create each press release?

Submit your assignment as a single Microsoft Word document. This activity will help you prepare for the press release portion of your final project, which is due in Module Nine.

For additional details, please refer to the Module Seven Activity Guidelines and Rubric PDFdocument.

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission must be a 2- to 3-page single Microsoft Word document and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

In your submission, be sure to include the following critical elements for each press release (one video and one printed): • Create a summary of each type of press release for your chosen incident. • Describe the positive and negative aspects of each press release, discussing what works in terms of connecting to the reader/viewer. • What changes would you make if you could re-create each press release?


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