What action steps can you take to realize your goals?

What action steps can you take to realize your goals?

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References Carrick, L., Carrick, L., &

Yurkow, J. (2007). A nurse leader’s guide to managing priorities. American Nurse Today, 2(7), 40–41.

Gentry, W. A., Harris, L. S., Baker, B. A., & Leslie, J. B. (2008). Managerial skills: What has changed since the

late 1980s. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 29(2), 167–181.

Jones, L., & Loftus, P. (2009). Time well spent: Getting things done through effective time management. Philadel- phia, PA: Kogan Page.

Merritt, C. (2009). Too busy for your own good. New York: McGraw Hill.

Sullivan, E. J. (2013). Becom- ing influential: A guide for nurses (2nd ed.). Upper Sad- dle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


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