Understanding the Invisibility of Oppression Through Sexism

 Understanding the Invisibility of Oppression Through Sexism

What Is an Institution? An Example: Sexism Today What Makes Sexism Difficult to See? Discourses of Sexism in Advertising Discourses of Sexism in Movies Discourses of Sexism in Music Videos


8.  Understanding the Structural Nature of Oppression Through Racism

What Is Race? A Brief History of the Social Construction of Race in the United States A Brief History of the Social Construction of Race in Canada What Is Racism? Two Key Challenges to Understanding Racism Racism Today Dynamics of White Racial Superiority Dynamics of Internalized Racial Oppression Racism and Intersectionality

9.  Understanding the Global Organization of Racism Through White Supremacy

What Is Whiteness? White Supremacy in the Global Context Common White Misconceptions about Racism

10.  Understanding Intersectionality Through Classism

Mr. Rich White and Mr. Poor White Strike a Bargain What Is Class? Common Class Venacular Class Socialization Common Misconceptions About Class Understanding Intersectionality Examples of Everyday Class Privilege Common Classist Beliefs

11.  “Yeah, But …”: Common Rebuttals

Claiming That Schools Are Politically Neutral Dismissing Social Justice Scholarship as Merely the Radical and

Personal Opinions of Individual Left Wing Professors Citing Exceptions to the Rule Arguing That Oppression Is Just Human Nature Appealing to a Universalized Humanity


Insisting on Immunity from Socialization Ignoring Intersectionality Refusing to Recognize Structural and Institutional Power Rejecting the Politics of Language Invalidating Claims of Oppression as Oversensitivity Reasoning That If Choice Is Involved It Can’t Be Oppression Positioning Social Justice Education as Something “Extra” Being Paralyzed by Guilt

12.  Putting It All Together

Recognize How Relations of Unequal Social Power Are Constantly Being Negotiated

Understand Our Own Positions Within Relations of Unequal Power Think Critically About Knowledge Act in Service of a More Just Society




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