UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 1: Introduction to Science Answer Key
This contains 100% correct material for UMUC Biology 103 LAB01. However, this is an Answer Key, which means, you should put it in your own words. Here is a sample for the questions answered:
Exercise 1: Data Interpretation (2 pts each)
1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?
No fish are present when the dissolved oxygen is zero. When there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, more fish are present. However, the number of fish tends to drop or level off when the dissolved oxygen is higher than 12 ppm.
2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.
Possible Hypotheses:
1. The amount of dissolved oxygen affects the number of fish that can live in a body of water.
2. As dissolved oxygen concentration increases, more fish can live in the body of water.
3. There is an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration for fish to live in.
The rest of the questions are answered in full version:
1. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?
2. What would be the independent and dependent variables?
3. What would be your control?
4. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?
5. Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).
6. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.
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