The total of the period costs listed above for December is:  A. $89,000 B. $310,000 C. $325,000

The total of the period costs listed above for December is:  A. $89,000 B. $310,000 C. $325,000

D. $399,000



Review Questions M/C

B. $310,000 Period costs = Administrative wages and salaries + Sales staff salaries + Corporate headquarters building rent + Marketing = $105,000 + $68,000 + $34,000 + $103,000 = $310,000


Review Questions M/C

66. The total of the manufacturing overhead costs listed above for December is:  A. $325,000 B. $635,000 C. $89,000 D. $40,000

Review Questions M/C

C. $89,000 Manufacturing overhead costs = Factory supplies + Factory depreciation + Indirect labor = $8,000 + $49,000 + $32,000 = $89,000



Review Questions M/C

67. The total of the product costs listed above for December is:  A. $310,000 B. $89,000 C. $635,000 D. $325,000



Review Questions M/C

D-Product costs = Direct materials + Direct labor + Manufacturing overhead = $153,000 + $83,000 + $89,000 = $325,000


Learning Objective 6

Understand the differences between direct and indirect costs.

Learning objective number 6 is to understand the differences between direct and indirect costs.

Assigning Costs to Cost Objects

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