The IOM Report Related to the Nursing Workforce

The IOM Report Related to the Nursing Workforce

Nursing workforce has always been the backbone and largest part of the health care system. The IOM report on the nursing workforce was focused on multiple concerns and emphasizes the comprehensive, widespread prospects for nurses to mold and adapt their current careers to their future and for them to lead the health care force. “The IOM report’s recommendations and key messages have the potential to create even more change in a health care environment that is constantly evolving and integrating new practices and technology into patient care based on best evidence”(Institute of Medicine. Report Brief, 2010). Nurses are only limited to follow the directions and decisions which are already being made however; they have the potential to lead the health care system. If given the opportunities they will come up with the innovative ways to lead the change and advance the health care system. Thus, the IOM report has made some recommendations for workplace development, education, and the actual practice within nursing. Specific recommendations include removal of barriers for practice, enlargement and growth for a pervasive array of leadership position for nurses, the creation of a nursing residency programs, increasing the quantity of higher educated nurses (baccalaureate degree), increasing the overall quantity of nurses to result in a 2:1 nurses to physicians ratio, lifelong learning and enabling nurses to take on leadership and advocate for changes in innovative medicine, collection and analysis of inter professional health care (Institute of Medicine. Report Brief, 2010)

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The IOM Report Related to the Nursing Workforce
The IOM Report Related to the Nursing Workforce

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