The efficiency of the unit may be reduced when on-the-job instruction occurs.

The efficiency of the unit may be reduced when on-the-job instruction occurs.

10. The learner must be closely supervised to prevent him or her from making any major mistakes and carrying out procedures incorrectly.

Preceptors One method of orientation is the preceptor model, which can be used to assist new employees and to reward experienced staff nurses. The preceptor model provides a means for orienting and socializing the new nurse as well as providing a mechanism to recognize exceptionally compe- tent staff nurses. Staff nurses who serve as preceptors are selected based on their clinical com- petence, organizational skills, ability to guide and direct others, and concern for the effective orientation of new nurses.

The primary function of the preceptor is to orient the new nurse to the unit. This includes proper socialization of the new nurse within the group as well as familiarizing her or him with unit functions. The preceptor teaches any unfamiliar procedures and helps the new nurse develop any necessary skills. The preceptor acts as a resource person on matters of unit func- tions as well as policies and procedures. The preceptorship is for approximately three weeks, although the time may vary depending to the nurse’s individual learning needs or the organi- zation’s policies.

New nurses may need to use their preceptors as counselors as they make their transition to the unit. If new nurses experience discrepancy between their educational preparation or their expectations and the realities of working in the unit, the preceptor’s role as counselor can prove invaluable in helping them cope with “reality shock.”

The preceptor also serves as a staff nurse role model demonstrating work-related tasks, how to set priorities, solve problems and make decisions, manage time, delegate tasks, and interact with others. In addition, the preceptor evaluates the new nurse’s performance and provides both verbal and written feedback to encourage development.

The staff development department’s function is to teach the experienced nurse the role of a preceptor, principles of adult education applicable to learning needs, how to teach necessary skills, how to plan teaching, how to evaluate teaching and learning objectives, and how to pro- vide both formal and informal feedback.

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