The criteria used to select the papers for the research on epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem.
Explained the criteria used to select the papers for the research on epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem. research and select three current epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem. You can also use the following websites to search for studies as they are often used as the major sources of information for health research and often report on the most current health problems affecting the United States and global populations: U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention World Health Organization Based on your research, create a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document addressing the following questions: What were the criteria that you used to select these papers? (For example, only English language, peer reviewed articles, only a specific age group, only United States studies, etc.) What were the types of risk factors studied in your chosen articles? (For example, environmental, socio-economic, behavioral, etc.) Which study design was used for this study? Why do you think the researchers chose this specific study design? Provide examples from your research. What are the proximate or underlying determinants of risk factors that are associated with any health problem for each study? Analyzed the risk factors studied in the articles selected. Provided judgments on the approach of the researchers in choosing a specific study design in the study on epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem. Summarized the underlying determinants for each study. Written Components.