The controversy of the statue of gynecologist j marion sims as a commemoration and how it deals with memory

The controversy of the statue of gynecologist j marion sims as a commemoration and how it deals with memory


Research the controversy of the statue of the gynecologist J. Marion Sims that was removed from Fifth Avenue and 103rd Street. He was known to be the father of gynecology and medicine but it was discovered that he obtained his findings at the expense of enslaved black women and operated on them without consent or anesthesia. Expand on how it’s removal was protested from supremacist groups. Research the in-depth reasoning that the city came up with to go through with it’s removal and why it had taken so long for the history being the statue to be brought to attention. Try to incorporate the sociological concept of memory and how it applies to both sides of honoring him because of his findings (and by the people who did not want the statue removed) and the people (who felt the statue was unjust) who interpreted the memory of him as a negative connotation.

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