Speak clearly and concisely.

  • Speak clearly and concisely.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 7 Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary
(0-5 Points) (6-7 Points) (8-9 Points) (10 Points)
Introduction Intro is significantly over or under 10% of the total time of presentation. Speaker does not use an attention-getter. Intro is over or under 10% of total time of presentation and needs more organization. Speaker’s attention-getter is generic and not engaging. Intro takes close to 10% of total time of presentation and is well organized. Speaker uses an attention-getter but needs more creativity. Intro takes 10% of the total time of presentation, is concise and organized. Speaker uses a creative and effective attention-getter.
Thesis statement and preview of the main points Thesis and preview of main points are missing or difficult to understand. Thesis and/or preview of main points need to be more concise. May be confusing, too wordy or too general. Speaker articulates thesis and preview of main points but may need more development or connection to topic. Thesis is well developed and simply stated. Speaker clearly articulates preview of main points.
Body of speech Speaker does not present the main points in an effective way. There is no detail or supporting information to validate main points. Speaker briefly summarizes the main points and gives little detail in support of them. Information doesn’t have strong connections to topic. Speaker presents information in a clear way but may need to work on adding more details in support of main ideas or on the delivery. Speaker presents information in a clear, enthusiastic and effective way. Main points are stressed and supported by plenty of details.
Supporting matierial Speaker does not cite any real supporting materials throughout the speech and lacks credibility on the topic. Speaker uses only personal experience as supporting material and needs to add other materials to gain credibility. Speaker uses an adequate amount of supporting material but needs to work on citing them within the body of the speech. Speaker uses plenty of supporting materials, including personal experience and cites them within the body of the speech.
Conclusion Speaker doesn’t summarize the main points of the speech or end in a memorable way. Speech comes to an awkward or abrupt end. Speaker doesn’t summarize main points of the speech in an effective way. Speaker doesn’t end in a memorable way or Speaker summarizes the main points of speech but lacks creativity in the transition. Speaker’s closing thought is memorable but Speaker summarizes the main points of the speech in a creative and effective way. Speaker’s final thought is memorable and powerful.
the closing thought is too generic. could use more imagination.
Format and length Is under or over the requested length by a significant amount. Is under or over the requested length by 2-3. Is under or over the requested length by 1 minute. Meets the length and format requirements- 5 minutes.
Works cited page Does not include a works cited page. Includes a works cited page but is not in the proper format or may not have the required amount of sources. Includes a works cited page with few errors. Includes a works cited page in correct APA format with 3 credible sources.
Visual aids There are no visual aids used to guide the audience or they are confusing and irrelevant to the topic. The visual aids are confusing or unorganized. The visual aids may contain misspellings or are not relevant to the topic. Speaker uses clear visual aids that help guide the audience. The visual aids are relevant to the topic and free of misspellings but may need more creativity. Speaker uses clear visual aids that help guide the audience. The visual aids are free of misspellings, are creative, interesting and relevant to the topic.
Organization & professionalism There is no consistent or logical flow to the information or presentation. Speaker is not professional, not dressed for classroom environment or uses language that can be offensive to audience. Audience may have difficulty following presentation because it jumps around. Speaker needs to work on transitions and flow. May also need to work on professionalism or dressing for classroom environment. Speaker presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow but may need to improve flow from one topic to the other. Speaker is professional and dressed for classroom environment. Speaker presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Topics flow from one to the other with good transitions. Speaker is professional and dressed for classroom environment.
Presentation skills




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Speaker is too quiet or loud, is not confident in material, has little to no eye contact or is disinterested or monotone. Speaker exhibits some mumbling, little eye contact or little to no expression. Speaker clearly articulates ideas but presentation skills need polishing. May need to work on more eye contact and confidence. Speaker is poised, articulate, and has good eye contact. Speaker presents information with enthusiasm and confidence.

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