Sampling of Infant/Toddler and 3- to 5-Year-Old Early Learning Standards for Language Development

Sampling of Infant/Toddler and 3- to 5-Year-Old Early Learning Standards for Language Development

Standard Detail (Subcriteria)
Infants: 6 to 18 months Understanding language:
The child will comprehend the message of another’s communication
In the beginning of this period, I recognize the names of familiar objects and people. By the end of this period, I show understanding of an adult’s simple requests and of statements referring to the present situation.
Toddlers: 16 to 36 months In the beginning of this period, I show understanding of adults’ simple requests and of statements referring to the present situation. By the end of this period, I understand my caregiver’s more abstract and complex statements and requests that refer to positions in space, ideas, feelings, and the future.
3-Year-Olds The child will begin to read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats. I explore realistic books and materials in classroom centers.
I listen to simple stories, songs and rhymes.
4-Year-Olds I show interest in informational texts about familiar objects.
I make relevant comments or appropriate responses to story events or characters.
5-Year-Olds I summarize the main idea and details from literacy texts read aloud.
I use pictures and words to make predictions regarding a story read aloud.
Source: South Carolina Early Learning Standards; Retrieved from; South Carolina Infant-toddler Guidelines. Retrieved from
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