Research the differences between the disease model and the harm reduction model.
Research the differences between the disease model and the harm reduction model. Incorporate the importance of stages of change/treatment in relation to successful recovery attempts. How do these models assist in understanding Nic’s road to recovery as described by himself and his family?
You will need to include an introduction and a concluding statement. You will need to include 2 MORE credible references. Wallace and Bayles are two references that you must include.
Please see attachments:
Wallace, J. (1990). The new disease model of alcoholism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The Western Journal of Medicine, 152(5), 502-505. [PDF file size 799.29 KB] Though several decades old, this article is considered one of the leading descriptions of alcoholism as a disease of the brain.
Bayles, C. (2014). Using mindfulness in a harm reduction approach to substance abuse treatment: A literature review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 9(2), 22-25. doi:10.1037/h0100995.