Research paper on psychology and wwi

Research paper on psychology and wwi

Research Paper

a 10-12 page research paper on psychology and WWI. You will use primary and secondary sources, including course materials and compiled bibliography, to focus on how WWI influenced psychology, and how psychology influenced WWI and its aftermath. Use APA style, and use headings to reveal the structure of the paper.

Possible topics include:

Army Alpha & Army Beta tests

Impact on 1. Immigration quotas2. Eugenics

Shell shock aka PTSD

Famous psychologists of WWI: Yerkes, Dill, Watson, etc.

Committees established by APA

American Men of Science (1920)

Journal contents during/after WWI

Military psychology

Psychology outside the US: Britain, Germany, etc.

Contrast WWI and WWII and psychology

Textbook:R. Fancher & A. Rutherford (2016). Pioneers of psychology (5th ed).

possible related and useful bibliography

Adler, A. (1948). The so-called post-traumatic neuroses. Guiding human misfits: A practical application of individual psychology . Winchester, MA : Faber and Faber, 102-108.

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