Relationship to Rationality Is Common Knowledge

Relationship to Rationality Is Common Knowledge

Relationship to Rationality Is Common Knowledge
Relationship to Rationality Is Common Knowledge

Relationship to Rationality Is Common Knowledge To explore the relationship between those strategies which survive the itera- tive deletion of strictly dominated strategies (IDSDS) and Nash equilibria, let’s start with an example. Consider a Nash equilibrium for a three-player game in which player 1 uses strategy x, player 2 uses strategy y, and player 3 uses strat- egy z. Do these strategies survive the IDSDS? It’s pretty easy to argue that none are eliminated on the first round: Since x is a best reply against player 2’s using y and player 3’s using z, x is most definitely not strictly dominated. Analogously, since y is a best reply for player 2 when player 1 uses x and player 3 uses z, y is not strictly dominated. Finally, since z is a best reply for player 3 when players 1 and 2 use x and y, respectively, z is not strictly dominated. Thus, x, y, and z are not eliminated in the first round of the IDSDS.

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