First of all, as regards the future development of mankind, and quite apart from all present

political considerations. Fascism does not, generally speaking, believe in the possibility or utility

of perpetual peace. It therefore discards pacifism as a cloak for cowardly supine renunciation in

contradistinction to self-sacrifice. War alone keys up all human energies to their maximum

tension and sets the seal of nobility on those peoples who have the courage to face it. All other

tests are substitutes which never place a man face to face with himself before the alternative of

life or death. Therefore all doctrines which postulate peace at all costs are incompatible with


Equally foreign to the spirit of Fascism, even if accepted as useful in meeting special political

situations — are all internationalist or League superstructures which, as history shows, crumble to

the ground whenever the heart of nations is deeply stirred by sentimental, idealistic or practical

considerations. Fascism carries this anti-pacifistic attitude into the life of the individual. “I don’t

give a damn” – the proud motto of the fighting squads scrawled by a wounded man on his

bandages, is not only an act of philosophic stoicism, it sums up a doctrine which is not merely

political: it is evidence of a fighting spirit which accepts all risks. It signifies new style of Italian

life. The Fascist accepts and loves life; he rejects and despises suicide as cowardly. Life as he

understands it means duty, elevation, conquest; life must be lofty and full, it must be lived for

oneself but above all for others, both near bye and far off, present and future.

The population policy of the regime is the consequence of these premises. The Fascist loves his

neighbor, but the word neighbor does not stand for some vague and muddled conception. Love

of one’s neighbor does not exclude necessary educational severity; still less does it exclude

differentiation and rank. Fascism will have nothing to do with universal embraces; as a member

of the community of nations it looks other people straight in the eyes; it is vigilant and on its

guard; it follows others in all their manifestations and notes any changes in their interests; and it

does not allow itself to be deceived by mutable and fallacious appearances.REJECTION OF PACIFISM

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