Psychosis NSG 502

Psychosis NSG 502


Hello again. Here is the post for week 11’s reply.


Good morning, Dr. Fagan and classmates!

In this week’s discussion board content, we are invited to share the method we plan to employ to disseminate the findings of our studies. For reference, my PICOT question is as follows: will adult (age 18+) patients who experience their first onset of psychosis (or first psychotic break) experience greater improvement in the symptoms and effects of psychosis when participating in comprehensive first-episode psychosis programs over the next one-year period than those who receive a more traditional treatment regimen of medication and/or therapy alone?

Although there are countless variations on these themes, the three primary modes of research data dissemination are the three Ps, or posters, papers, and presentations (Dudley-Brown, 2019). For my particular project, I would combine the use of presentations with posters.



In academic research, a poster is a useful multimedia tool that integrates research data expressed in words with thoughtfully selected pictures as visual representations (Pedwell et al., 2016). When creating an academic poster, it is important to focus on the four p’s of research poster design and the aspects of coherence, signaling, redundancy, and contiguity. Coherence refers to avoiding excess, extraneous information in one poster.

Good signaling is a design imperative and refers to the use of symbols, fonts, and the like to direct the audience’s attention within the work. Though on a superficial level, it might sound undesirable, redundancy is critical. Not to be confused with repetition, redundancy refers to expressing the same information in different ways in order to reach as many in the audience as possible. Finally, contiguity refers to keeping corresponding text and pictures physically close together and ensuring that corresponding ideas are explained together as well.

I feel that the use of a poster to disseminate my results would reach a broader audience because a multimedia approach would make it more accessible to a wide audience. At the heart of the dissemination of academic nursing research is bringing data to the bedside in the form of evidence-based practice at the point of care (Dudley-Brown, 2019). To that end, my poster could be displayed not only at academic conferences but also at gatherings of mental health professionals and at mental health treatment centers within the community. To further connect with my audience, I would also include my contact information on my poster so that viewers could reach out to me with further questions or ideas for additional academic collaboration.



Dudley-Brown, S. (2019). Dissemination of evidence in nursing and healthcare. In (Ed.), Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare. Springer Publishing Company.

Pedwell, R. K., Hardy, J. A., & Rowland, S. L. (2016). Effective visual design and communication practices for research posters: Exemplars based on the theory and practice of multimedia learning and rhetoric. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 45(3), 249–261.



Your PICOT is as follows: will adult (age 18+) patients who experience their first onset of psychosis (or first “psychotic break”) experience greater improvement in the symptoms and effects of psychosis when participating in comprehensive first-episode psychosis programs over the next one-year period than those who receive a more traditional treatment regimen of medication and/or therapy alone?

Based on the PICOT question, your project is trying to address psychosis using comprehensive first-episode psychosis programs. I like the information you provided in the initial discussion regarding how you will be disseminating the findings of this study. I believe that dissemination is an important process of a research project. I am glad you mentioned the use of posters in your discussion. According to Ashcraft et al. (2020), many channels are available to disseminate the research study results.

However, print materials are the most common channel of dissemination. The poster is one of the most common methods of dissemination (Köhler & Nemeth, 2019). Posters are accessible to a defined audience. They can be placed in physicians’ offices, nursing rooms, wards, and other strategic places. Posters remain in those places as long as it lasts until they are deliberately removed.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals are another good way of dissemination.

It reaches a wider audience through the internet. Papers published in peer-reviewed journals can be accessible to individuals across the globe (Ashcraft et al., 2020). In addition, they provide high-quality evidence because of the peer reviews. The panel presentation is sometimes hard to escape when doing a research study due to stakeholder engagement (Köhler & Nemeth, 2019). All these strategies are effective means of disseminating the results of research findings.


Ashcraft, L. E., Quinn, D. A., & Brownson, R. C. (2020). Strategies for effective dissemination of research to United States policymakers: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 15(1), 1-17.
Köhler, D., & Nemeth, B. (2019). Dissemination strategy, Deliverable D2.1 of the H2020 project LEVITATE. LEVITATE Consortium.

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