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Steps required for Research Report
What to include in your Research Report
Briefly here, your final coursework assessment for this subject requires you to write a report of your research in 2500 words. It should contain the following sections:
· Introduction (600 words).
· Rational and Aims/Research Question(s) (100 words)
· Methodology (300 words).
· Methods (300 words).
· Findings (900 words).
· Discussion (300 words).
is a lot of work involved in analysing your data and writing your findings section that can be done independently. This analysis of the data also influences your work on the first 4 sections as much as the marking feedback does, so it is advisable to make an earlier start on it.
The named sections above can be used as heading titles. You do not need an Abstract. You are advised to use extra subheadings for your themes in the Findings section. You also need to add a reference section using correct APA 7th format, and the appendices. Appendices should contain: a copy of the Semi Structured Interview Schedule and the Consent Form – if you are using one or more of the interviews – if you are only using publicly available data these are not required. You do not need to include transcripts or any other raw data. 2500 words is not as much as it sounds and so you should be as concise as possible (the title page, reference section and appendices are not included in the word count: quoted material and all citations within the report are).
These are suggestions rather than a recipe. Please be aware that the word counts are guidelines only. There are slight nuances and differences found in reports, particularly between the different methodological approaches and we will examine these differences throughout the subject. The criteria marking guide gives a good general framework but in essence, the report is your vehicle for showing what you have learned, but in a very human and real way is based on the data. Even within the same approach, reports often look very different: this may be because researchers disagree how research should be presented, or it may be that each is tailored well to the research itself. We will discuss different ways and departures from these suggestions as we progress through the subject, and we encourage you to think more about producing a rich piece of meaningful research than a piece which tries to include everything possible.
Criteria | HD | DI | CR | PS | FL |
Identifies and discusses relevant literature to provide a rationale for the choice of research topic. |
You have evaluated and synthesised an extensive range of highly relevant literature from current scholarly sources that substantially support a rationale for your choice of research topic. | You have discussed and analysed a range of highly relevant literature from current scholarly sources that substantially support a rationale for your choice of research topic. | You have discussed and analysed relevant literature from current scholarly sources that support a rationale for your choice of research topic. | You have identified and discussed some literature from current scholarly sources that go some way to supporting a rationale for your choice of research topic. | You have very limited discussion of relevant literature from current sources. |
Rationale and Aims:
Rationale for choice of research topic is described and a description of the research question is provided.
You have thoroughly described and clearly justified a rationale for the choice of research topic and your description of the research question is clear and highly congruent with the overall approach described. | You have well described and clearly justified a rationale for the choice of research topic and your description of the research question is clear and somewhat congruent with the overall approach described. | Your rationale for choice of research topic is well described to justify the research topic and a description of the aims or research question(s) is provided. | Your rationale for choice of research topic is somewhat described and a description of the research question is provided. | Your rationale for choice of research topic and/or research question are absent. |
Describes the application of epistemology and methodology. Constructs a rationale of the application of these theories to the research.
You have thoroughly described and discussed the application of epistemology and methodology. You have constructed a rationale of the application of these theories which is highly consistent to the research. | You have described and discussed the application of epistemology and methodology. You have constructed a rationale of the application of these theories which is mostly consistent to the research. | You have described and somewhat discussed the application of epistemology and methodology. You have constructed a rationale of the application of these theories which is somewhat consistent to the research. | You have described the application of epistemology and methodology. You have constructed a rationale of the application of these theories. | You have limited or no description of epistemology and methodology and limited or no rationale. |
Describes the process undertaken to conduct the research with the aim of establishing the soundness of the research methods and transparency of the process. |
You have described the methods that will be used for the chosen research topic. These methods demonstrate a high level of consistency with your chosen methodological principles. | You have described the methods that will be used for the chosen research topic. These methods are mostly consistent with your chosen methodological principles. | You have described the methods that will be used for the chosen research topic. These methods have some consistency with your chosen methodological principles. | You have described the methods that will be used for the chosen research topic. | You have limited description of methods. |
Presents and discusses the research findings in order to infer meaning. Interprets the research findings taking into account consistency and inconsistency in the material. The application of relevant literature is appropriate to the findings (in the Results and/or the Discussion). |
You have thoroughly presented and discussed the research findings in order to infer meaning. You interpret the research findings by demonstrating sophisticated insight into the consistency and inconsistency in the findings. You have applied relevant literature to the findings in a highly appropriate manner. | You have presented and discussed the research findings in order to infer meaning. You interpret the research findings by demonstrating insight into the consistency and inconsistency in the findings. You have applied relevant literature to the findings where appropriate. | You have mostly presented and discussed the research findings in order to infer meaning. You interpret the research findings by taking into account the consistency and inconsistency in the findings. You have applied relevant literature to the findings where appropriate. | You have presented and discussed the research findings in order to infer meaning. You somewhat interpret the research findings. You have applied relevant literature to the findings in a mostly appropriate manner. | Your presentation, discussion and interpretation of the research findings is limited. |
Demonstrates an understanding of theory in relation to subjectivity, related to relevant literature. Reflects on the effect of subjectivity when researching the chosen topic. Describes an approach to subjectivity which is consistent with the chosen epistemology and methodologies. |
You demonstrate an expanded understanding of subjectivity theory using appropriate sources. You reflect extensively on the possible impact of subjectivity on the research topic. Your description of subjectivity is consistent with your chosen epistemology and methodologies. | You demonstrate an expanded understanding of subjectivity theory using appropriate sources. You reflect on the possible impact of subjectivity on the research topic. Your description of subjectivity is largely consistent with your chosen epistemology and methodologies. | You demonstrate an understanding of subjectivity theory using some sources. You reflect on the possible impact of subjectivity on the research topic. Your description of subjectivity is somewhat consistent with your chosen epistemology and methodologies. | You demonstrate some understanding of subjectivity theory using some literature. You reflect on some impact of subjectivity on the research topic. Your description of subjectivity is consistent in places with your chosen epistemology and methodologies. | You have limited reflection on the effect of subjectivity when researching the chosen topic. |
Interprets the findings according to the wider context. Compares research to literature or policy. |
You have provided a sophisticated interpretation of the findings according to the wider context. You have analysed and compared research to a wide range of relevant literature or policy. You have constructed a sophisticated reflection of the research process. | You have provided an in-depth interpretation of the findings according to the wider context. You have compared research to a wide range of relevant literature or policy. You have reflected in-depth on the research process. | You have provided a thoughtful interpretation of the findings according to the wider context. You have compared research to a range of literature or policy. You have thoughtfully reflected on the research process. | You have interpreted the findings according to the wider context. You have compared research to literature or policy. You have reflected on the research process. | You have limited interpretation of the findings, comparison of research or reflection on the research process. |
Adheres to conventions of a research proposal
Follows research report structure. Follows APA 7th conventions for in-text references and the bibliography. Demonstrates academic voice appropriate to a formal research proposal. Correct use of grammatical conventions (spelling, punctuation, etc). |
You have completely followed the research report structure by including all relevant parts of the structure. You have extensively followed APA conventions for your in-text references and the bibliography. You have thoroughly demonstrated the use of academic voice. You have correct grammatical conventions throughout. | You have followed the research report structure by including all relevant parts of the structure. You have followed APA conventions well for your in-text references and the bibliography. You have demonstrated the use of academic voice. You have used correct grammatical conventions. | You have mostly followed the research report structure by including all relevant parts of the structure. You have followed APA conventions for your in-text references and the bibliography. You have mostly demonstrated the use of academic voice. You have used correct grammatical conventions. | You have somewhat followed research report structure by including most relevant parts of the structure. You have mostly followed APA conventions for your in-text references and the bibliography. You have at times demonstrated the use of academic voice. You have mostly used correct grammatical conventions. | You have not included all the relevant parts of the structure. You have limited use of the academic voice. You have limited use of correct grammatical conventions and APA format. |
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
· be able to describe and evaluate epistemological philosophical frameworks of qualitative research in psychology.
· be able to critically evaluate a range of qualitative research theories and methodologies and the ethical and reflexive elements of these.
· be able to critically evaluate techniques and procedures for carrying out research methods and put these methods into practice.
· be able to conduct research using qualitative research techniques.
· be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research findings.
· be able to critically evaluate and produce written accounts of qualitative research.
Please submit the assessment as a word file rather than a pdf. This allows us to enter feedback into your work.
You should follow the standard APA 7th format for report writing apart from any variations we discuss during the subject. This is a new format which came into effect earlier this year. In addition to standards of APA format you will be able to see conventions used in qualitative research in the journal articles we read throughout the subject. The use of personal pronouns is acceptable and common practice in qualitative research but should be used with some distancing and good justification for arguments.
Organise your content in a way that makes sense. The report will be marked on the basis of content and style. By style I mean how well your content is delivered, both in terms of an integrated format and in terms of clarity and coherence of expression and integration of argument (see criteria marking guide for more detail). The research report should be typed (double line spaced or space and a half), in a regular font and should be a maximum of 2500 words in length. Please include the actual word length on the cover page. The assessment is 2500 words in order to encourage you to clarify your ideas about the research topic, and then to express them clearly and precisely. The word count does not include the cover page, references or the appendices, but it does include everything else, including in text citations and quotes. Any assessment that exceeds the set length by more than 10% will incur a penalty proportional to the excess – it is otherwise not fair to other students who have kept to the length or to the marker.
If you are including one or more of the interviews in your analysis, Appendices should include: a copy of the Semi Structured Interview Schedule and the Consent Form. Appendices should be cited in the report.