Psychology Note taking

Psychology Note taking

1. Advanced Note Taking. From the required text for this course, select one book chapter that you are the most interested in learning about (and want to remember). Summarize each page in that chapter with at least 2 to 4 sentences, typed in a Word doc. Be sure to include the page number of every page you are summarizing in your Word document. As you summarize each page, try to capture the most important things/main ideas—i.e., concepts that could appear on a test. No partial credit.

Grading rubric for the 2 page paper, Assignment #5 (per syllabus):

Here are some reasons for the 2 page paper:

To give you the opportunity demonstrate in-depth understanding of a particular area discussed in class and/or in the book from Psychology. To give you practice developing an important life skill of making **concise** and clear logical arguments based upon reason and empirical evidence. To give you practice academic writing that requires proper grammar, spelling, APA formatting, in-text citation of sources, and references.

Since there is a 1-page limit on the page with your actual argument & thesis statement, ideas cannot be elaborated on in excessive depth–which is why I suggest focusing on your best argument(s) to support your thesis statement. Leave out superficial lists of arguments or weaker arguments. Choose each word very carefully and remove any unnecessary wording (this is an extremely important communication skill to practice throughout one’s life!).

Boldly state/declare your conclusion first (this is a “thesis statement” that should clearly reveal your topic from Psychology and the stance or position you’re taking on it), then follow up with brief supportive statements/evidence/examples that demonstrate your command of that topic by supporting your thesis statement. Eliminate typos and grammatical problems, because they will undermine and distract from your points which could affect more than just spelling/grammar portion of the grading outlined by the

rubric below (a good way to find flaws is to read your own paper out loud, and/or ask a friend/classmate to go over it and offer feedback).

Use only the word template I provide on Canvas to write your paper; find “Template: Assignment 5” after clicking on “Home” or “Modules” on the left side of Canvas page–it will be toward the top. It is double spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins all around. Papers must be submitted electronically via Canvas as a Word document by the deadline shown in your syllabus for all unfinished assignments. It is recommended that you submit your paper early in case there are any problems that would cause it to get sent back ungraded. Make paragraphs where you can if they make sense (but



don’t worry about the syllabus’s call for 5 paragraphs).

Here are some things that would cause your paper to be sent back, ungraded:

If your paper is more than 1 page, or more than 2 lines too short, it will be sent back ungraded. If you change the formatting on the template, your paper will be sent back ungraded. Your paper is not in a Word document format, it will be sent back ungraded.

All ungraded assignments will turn into 0’s (zero points) after the deadline shown in your syllabus.

Please review the rubric below as you compose and edit your paper. As shown below, 5 points (out of 7) will be based on the substance of your paper (i.e., 71%). Only 2 points (out of 7) will be based on the spelling, grammar, and formatting of your paper (i.e., 29%).

One more thing, if you turn your paper in early (no later than Nov. 10 ), then I will offer you feedback on your paper and give you the opportunity to correct it for a higher score.

Critical Aspects descriptions Point value Range

A. Name, date

If all of these things are there


If any of these things are missing




B. Spelling

No major errors, 2 or less minor errors.



1 or More major errors, and/or more than 2 minor errors





C. Grammar No major errors, 2 or less minor errors.


No more than 2 major errors and 2 minor errors, or no more than 5 minor errors.


More than 2 major errors, or more than 5 minor errors









D. APA format, 7 ed.

No major errors, 2 or less minor errors.


No more than 2 major errors and 2 minor errors, or no more than 5 minor errors.


More than 2 major errors, or more than 5 minor errors.






E. Bold thesis statement



The first sentence summarizes the main argument of the paper, by declaratively stating the crux of the argument. I.e., it is the concise “point” of the paper and its conclusion.


The first sentence is a declarative statement but is not a concise conclusive point of the paper.


The first sentence is not a declarative statement (e.g., it’s a question), nor does it concisely summarize the point/conclusion of the paper’s argument.









F. Ideas/arguments and references support thesis statement with evidence


2 or more evidentiary ideas expressed by statements that directly support the thesis statement (& also include solid sources/references/examples).


Only 1 evidentiary idea expressed by statements that directly supports the thesis statement (& also includes valid reference), but no clear example.


No ideas directly support or give evidence for the truth of the thesis statement, and/or none have valid sources/references.








Thesis statement (item E above) and supporting statements/references (item F above) are directly related to a topic(s) discussed in class or in the required text book






Assignment 5 Rubric

G. Topic related to Psychology Class


Thesis statement and/or supporting statements are loosely connected to topics from class or in required text book.


Thesis statement and/or supporting statements are not at all connected to topics discussed in class or in the text book.






H. Reference page

No major errors, or no more than 2 minor errors, & at least 3 references per specifications in syllabus (1 is your book, 2 are empirical/scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals)


1 Major error and/or 3 -5 minor errors


No attempt or several major errors and/or minor errors










Criteria Ratings Pts

0.25 pts

0.25 pts

0.5 pts

0.5 pts

1.0 pts

A. Name, date

If all of these things are there .25 If any of these things are missing 0.00

B. Spelling

No major errors, 2 or less minor errors. .25

1 or More major errors, and/or more than 2 minor errors 0.00

C. Grammar

No major errors, 2 or less minor errors. .5

No more than 2 major errors and 2 minor errors, or no more than 5 minor errors. .25

More than 2 major errors, or more than 5 minor errors 0.00

D. APA format, 7th ed.

No major errors, 2 or less minor errors. .5

No more than 2 major errors and 2 minor errors, or no more than 5 minor errors. .25

More than 2 major errors, or more than 5 minor errors 0.00

E. Bold thesis statement

The first sentence summarizes the main argument of the paper, by declaratively stating the crux of the argument. I.e., it is the concise “point” of the paper and its conclusion. .5

The first sentence is a declarative statement but is not a concise conclusive point of the paper. .25

The first sentence is not a declarative statement (e.g., it’s a question), nor does it concisely summarize the point/conclusion of the paper’s argument. 0.00



Criteria Ratings Pts

2.0 pts

2.0 pts

F. Ideas/arguments and references support thesis statement with evidence

2 or more evidentiary ideas expressed by statements that directly support the thesis statement (& also include solid sources/references/examples). 2

Only 1 evidentiary idea expressed by statements that directly supports the thesis statement (& also includes valid reference), but no clear example. 1

No ideas directly support or give evidence for the truth of the thesis statement, and/or none have valid sources/references. 0.00

G. Topic related to Psychology Class

Thesis statement (item E above) and supporting statements/ references (item F above) are directly related to a topic(s) discussed in class or in the required text book 2

Thesis statement and/or supporting statements are loosely connected to topics from class or in required text book. 1

Thesis statement and/or supporting statements are not at all connected to topics discussed in class or in the text book. 0.00



Total Points: 7.0

Criteria Ratings Pts

0.5 pts

H. Reference page

No major errors, or no more than 2 minor errors, & at least 3 references per specifications in syllabus (1 is your book, 2 are empirical/ scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals) .5

1 Major error and/or 3 -5 minor errors .25

No attempt or several major errors and/or minor errors 0.00

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