Program Outcome 1: Leadership

The ‘Leadership’ program outcome requires the student to apply leadership skills to professional nursing practice. A learning activity that allowed me to meet this program outcome was an essay where I had to write about the concept of the servant leader and its applicability to a nurse who embraces the Christian worldview. This essay was based on an interview I did with an administrative nurse at a local hospital.In the Christian worldview, the concept of the servant leader is seen through Jesus Christ who regularly engaged in acts of service throughout his ministry. From this activity, I learned that a servant leader constantly empowers and uplifts others (Maglione& Neville, 2021).More so, he/she is always on the lookout for the staff’s needs and actively helps employees promote their personal development and solve their problems. Finally, I learned that a servant leader fosters leadership in others, has an unselfish mindset, establishes a culture of trust, and encourages diversity of thought (Maglione& Neville, 2021).
Program Outcome 2: Scholarship
The ‘Scholarship’ program outcome requires the student to integrate evidence-based practice and nursing knowledge while providing culturally competent care. A learning activity that allowed me to meet this program outcome was an assignment on what evidence-based practice (EBP) is and its significance in nursing.From the assignment, I learned that EBP in nursing is vital in the provision of competent care since it incorporates clinical expertise, patient preferences, and research evidence (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). Additionally, it allows a nurse to deliver customized patient care by determining the most effective course of action when delivering care to a patient. In the Christian worldview, EBP is essential in aligning nursing practices with patient beliefs.