Professionalism and Codes of Ethics 35
Imagine that you are the president of a small high-technology fi rm. Your company has grown over the last few years to the point where you feel that it
Chapter 2 Professionalism and Codes of Ethics 35
is important that your employees have some guidelines regarding ethics. Defi ne the type of company you are running, then develop an appropriate code of ethics. As in Question 2.5, start by deciding what type of code is appropriate for your company. Then, list specifi c points that are impor- tant—for example, relationships with vendors, treatment of fellow employ- ees, etc. Finally, write a code that incorporates these features. In developing your code of ethics, you should think about the difference between business policies and ethical concerns. For example, business policies might be spe- cifi c about what time workers should arrive each day and how many hours they should work; a code of ethics would focus more on integrity in follow- ing the business rules of a company.
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