Practicing a Virtue
Practicing a Virtue and Reflection Assignment
Select a virtue that you would like to incorporate into your character. You are wrapping up a gratitude journal and reflection as part of this course. It is one of the big three virtues associated with happiness. The other two are forgiveness and humility. Many of my students decide to work on patience.
One of my high school students worked on truthfulness. She wrote in her reflection that she needed to develop a better memory or clean up her act. She couldn’t remember what lie she had told to which person.
You need to make a minimum of three log entries per week for the duration of this assignment. This will vary on the semester but is two to four weeks long. At the end of the experience you will submit your log entries and reflection. Look at the entire document. You will find some initial information to fill out, your reflection template and log entry templates. You will submit all of it at the conclusion of this assignment.
Fill out the following initial information before you begin practicing your Virtue.
1. Relate what virtue you have determined to practice for this assignment and why you have selected that virtue.
2. What challenges do you expect to encounter as you practice your virtue?
3. What cues will you use to remind yourself to practice your selected virtue?
Virtue Reflection
Relate your overall progress as you practiced your virtue. Did you have any setbacks? Were you able to recover from setbacks? Was your progress steady or did you fluctuate up and down?
Were you satisfied with your progress? Why of why not?
Do you think you will continue to practice this virtue? Are there other virtues that you would like to practice and incorporate as part of your character? What are those virtues and why would you like to practice them?
Motivational experts tell us that is best to concentrate on improving one aspect of our character at a time? Would you agree or disagree? Justify your response.
Explain what you learned through this experience.
What are your other comments or observations?
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Virtue Log Entries
Relate an experience when you practiced your virtue since your last log entry:
Were you satisfied with your effort and your results? Why or why not?
What could you have done to make the experience better?
How did you recognize this opportunity to practice your virtue?
How did you reward yourself for practicing your virtue?
Other pertinent comments about the experience:
Readings:Franklin, B., Autobiography: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification.New York: Oxford University Press and Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Forward (Links to an external site.) Watch:Johnson, B., How to discover and use your signature strengthsHow to discover and use your signature strengths (Links to an external site.) Six Ted Talks on Virtues: (Links to an external site.) Take the following on-line survey on values:Seligman, M. E. P., Values in action institute on character strengths survey (Links to an external site.) Instructions:
Select a virtue that you would like to incorporate into your character. You are wrapping up a gratitude journal and reflection as part of this course. It is one of the big three virtues associated with happiness. The other two are forgiveness and humility. Many of my students decide to work on patience.
One of my high school students worked on truthfulness. She wrote in her reflection that she needed to develop a better memory or clean up her act. She couldn’t remember what lie she had told to which person.
You need to make a minimum of three log entries per week for the duration of this assignment. This will vary on the semester but is two to four weeks long. At the end of the experience you will submit your log entries and reflection. Examine the template link that follows. Look at the entire document. You will find some initial information to fill out, your reflection template and log entry templates. You will submit all of it at the conclusion of this assignment.