Patient care scenario


Patient care scenario

The application of nursing informatics is integral in the case of a patient who undergoes diagnosis and screening process in a different hospital.

The presiding doctor is able to access the patient’s specific antigen test(PSA) results through the other hospital’s electronic health records. The type of data the doctor is able to access includes, blood tests, weight, blood pressure, age and blood sugar levels. This type of data helps the doctor to administer the right testing and subsequent treatment of the patient.

The process of accessing the data is guided by each hospital’s guidelines and policies on data security management. The other hospital’s administrator can easily generate the patient’s previous records and fax them to the other doctor after proper authorization. The patient can also access their data in case he has an account and send an email message to the doctor.

The doctor is able to have an overview of the other hospital’s policies and procedures in how it generates, manages and share patient data with other hospitals.

Knowledge worker concept infographic

Knowledge worker

Thinking skills

Team work & project management

Factual and theoretical knowledge

Technology skills & innovation

Ethics & professionalism

Communication skills

Nursing informatics concepts

Nursing informatics

Information Science

Computer Science

Cognitive Science

Nursing knowledge


Milner,J.J.(2016). A Concept Analysis of Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from

Nagle, L.M., Sermeus, W.,& Junger,A.(2017). Evolving role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist. Stud Health Technology In formation, 232, 212-221.

Pegg, M.(2019). Knowledge Workers. Retrieved from

Public Health Informatics Institute.(2017). Public Health Informatics: “translating” knowledge for public. Retrieved from =fLUygA8Hpfo

Sweeney,J.(2017). Healthcare informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1).

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