Other Determinants of Health and Disease

Other Determinants of Health and Disease


Education is the fourth goal in the United Nations sustainable development goals.  Egypt has been able to create a solid foundation for sustainable development through good leadership and governance appointed in 2014 by the people. This government has a clear and coordinated vision toward inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. This provides a strong foothold for Egypt to take on the goals for 2030, including education as an essential role in reducing poverty. Active policies that have been introduced “include curriculum that integrates social justice, cultural diversity, appropriate development and democracy as an inherent direction of personal and social change and revitalizing the strengths of individuals, communities, and entities.” Also providing values and skills to enable students to become leaders. However, these policies have been met with some resistance as there is still some content that remains unclear. Raising public awareness will be necessary to gain stakeholders support to implement these objectives within the educational systems. (Singer, 2020)



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