Observation of Mitosis in a Plant Cell

Observation of Mitosis in a Plant Cell

Table 1: Mitosis Predictions

“Supporting Evidence”


Table 2: Mitosis Data

Stage Number of Cells in Each Stage Total Number of Cells Calculated % of Time Spent in Each Stage


Insert photos of your drawings of a dividing cell in the appropriate area for each stage of the cell cycle (please include your name and access code handwritten in each of the sketch photos):






















Post-Lab Questions

1. Label the arrows in the slide image below with the appropriate stage of the cell cycle.

Structure Identity
A Click here to enter text.
B Click here to enter text.
C Click here to enter text.
D Click here to enter text.
E Click here to enter text.
F Click here to enter text.



2. In what stage were most of the onion root tip cells? Based on what you know about cell cycle division, what does this imply about the life span of a cell?



3. Were there any stages of the cell cycle that you did not observe? How can you explain this using evidence from the cell cycle?



4. As a cell grows, what happens to its surface area to volume ratio? (Hint: Think of a balloon being blown up). How does this ratio change with respect to cell division?



5. What is the function of mitosis in a cell that is about to divide?



6. What would happen if mitosis were uncontrolled?



7. How accurate were your time prediction for each stage of the cell cycle?’

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