Module 1 Discussion: Please introduce yourself to the class and give us some information about you, the area you work in, and your nursing education plans

1. Please introduce yourself to the class and give us some information about you, the area you work in, and your nursing education plans.
2 – View the following videos:
Race: The Power of an Illusion – Part 1Links to an external site.
Race the Power of Illusion – Part 2Links to an external site.
3 – Describe how race, ethnicity, or culture can affect health promotion.
4 – Select an emerging population you see in the healthcare system or a population other than your own that you work with within your practice. Research the group you have chosen using the chapter readings and outside sources.
Answer the following items:
Discuss health problems that are prevalent in that group.
Find information on this group’s healthcare beliefs/ties to the healthcare system and discuss obstacles to getting healthcare/health promotion education to this group.
What potential barriers exist to nursing cultural competence with different cultural groups, and how can cultural competence be improved?
How should the nurse respond when a client’s values conflict with the nurse’s value of promoting health? How will you address this if it arises in your holistic teaching project?
Be sure to review the discussion rubric in the Getting started module
If you need assistance in posting the first time, view this Canvas guide. Links to an external site.
Please note: Students cannot change their initial discussion once posted to the discussion forum for any reason, including misspelled words, grammar mistakes, or altering of research references.
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