

It has long been understood that prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can be carcinogenic (cancer causing.) Unfortunately, our profession is an occupational risk. It is the reason we must do all we can to reduce our exposure, through proper protocol, while working around formaldehyde.

There are two items I’d like you to read:

Abstract and discussion portion of this research article

Choose a portion of one of these articles and compose an initial post that will elicit a response from your fellow classmates. You are to comment on two other posts.

There is plenty of information that is most relevant to those that will be future embalmers. When composing your posts, you might focus on the actual malignancy associated with prolonged formalin exposure, the devastating effects, ways to mitigate exposure, stats on funeral workers that are exposed etc..


Formaldehyde exposure occurs through the skin or eye contact and inhalation, which has harmful effects on the victims-health care professionals such as anatomists and Pathologists. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the chemical has a high risk of causing cancer. They state that formaldehyde is a probable human carcinogen under prolonged exposure. In addition, they say that it leads to nasal cancer in rodents. According to the studies, several people who have died from prolonged exposure have been diagnosed with nasopharynx cancer.

The inhalation of formaldehyde has been recorded to have immediate respiratory problems in which the continuous exposure leads to increased sensitivity to upper and lower respiratory tract discomfort. Moreover, it can lead to diseases such as nasopharynx and distal cancer (lymphohematopoietic cancers). In addition, evidence from the research and laboratories provides evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. Therefore, according to studies, even with controlling other risk factors of nasopharynx cancer such as cigarette smoking, there is an increasing rate of cancer contraction in the people who have prolonged exposure to formaldehyde.

In response to the research, prolonged exposure to formalin can lead to several health hazards. Therefore, health regulatory bodies have established safe handling protocols that should be followed to ensure safe working conditions for individuals exposed to formaldehyde due to formalin.

Moreover, increased exposure to formaldehyde has been associated with causing potential non-specific nervous complications. Workers exposed to the chemical can often report headaches, dizziness, and inability to concentrate. Therefore, employers should ensure frequent monitoring of the employees who are frequently in contact with formaldehyde and promote efficient requirements and safety equipment for employees who handle formalin. Promoting respiratory protection by providing facilities such as protective gloves and eye protection is adequate. Moreover, innovations such as the biosafe biopsy sample system can be a cost-efficient and effective method whereby all processes are done in a sealed lead hence reducing exposure of the formalin to the employees.


I honest did realize some foods or liquids we intake contained formaldehyde, that may sound dumb, but I honestly did not know. The main way people are exposed to for formaldehyde is by inhaling it. Embalmers can take all the universal precautions, but I still think in some way we inhale formaldehyde. I think back 20 years ago they wore no mask I have even heard some embalmers say that did not use gloves unless it was an autopsy case. I am sure most embalmers form those times have some kind of damage to their body from that. It makes you open your eyes a bit that is for sure!

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