Model of How Big Five Traits Influence OB Criteria (Exhibit 5-2)

Model of How Big Five Traits Influence OB Criteria (Exhibit 5-2)

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As shown, the Big Five traits are related to job performance and also have other implications for work and life.

Long Description:

The details are as below:

Emotional stability: Relevance: Less negative thinking and fewer negative emotions; Less hyper vigilant. Affects: Higher job and life satisfaction; Lower stress levels.

Extraversion: Relevance: Better interpersonal skills; Greater social dominance; More emotional expressive. Affects: Higher performance; Enhanced leadership; Higher job and life satisfaction.

Openness: Relevance: Increased learning; More creative; More flexible and autonomous. Affects: Training performance; Enhanced leadership; More adaptable to change.

Agreeableness: Relevance: Better liked; More compliant and conforming. Affects: Higher performance; Lower levels of deviant behavior.

Conscientiousness: Relevance: Greater effort and persistence; More drive and discipline; Better organized and planning. Affects: Higher performance; Enhanced leadership; Greater longevity.


The Dark Triad

The Dark Triad


High machs tend to be pragmatic, emotionally distant, and believe the ends justify the means


A person with a grandiose view of self, requires excessive admiration, has a sense of self-entitlement, and is arrogant


A lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm

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Researchers have found that three socially undesirable traits called the Dark Triad are relevant to organizational behavior. These traits can literally harm an organization’s financial performance. Sustained high levels of these traits can cause derailment of careers and personal lives as well.

Machiavellianism describes a person who tends to be emotionally distant and believes that the ends justify the means. They tend to have a competitive drive and a need to win.

Narcissism is a trait that often hinders job effectiveness. It describes a person who requires excessive admiration and has a strong sense of self-importance.

Psychopathy refers to a lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm.


Other Frameworks

The HEXACO model

Honesty/humility is added to the Big Five

H dimension

Sincere, fair, modest, and humble

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The HEXACO model incorporates an additional trait into the Big Five framework. The new trait is honesty/humility. HEXACO stands for honesty/humility (H), emotional stability (E), extraversion (X), agreeableness (A), conscientiousness (C), and openness to experience (O).

The new H dimension corresponds to people who are sincere, fair, modest, and humble. The addition of the H dimension adds to the Big Five and has been found to predict ethically relevant outcomes, like abstaining from cheating.

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