A mission statement clarifies priorities and gives direction to everyone in the organization. Curriculum learning experiences must support the mission statement. For example:


Thomas C. Miller Elementary School for Innovation

is a partnership for children, parents, teachers, and the community that recognizes the special gifts of each child. We promote the intellectual, creative, social, and physical well-being of each student with a commitment to academic excellence. Our distinctive interdisciplinary curriculum provides for thematic units, innovative teaching and evaluation practices, and inclusive education with an emphasis on science, math, technology and the performing arts.

Found at: http://www.lynchburg.org/Schools/Tcm/Default.htm


In viewing curriculum written for this school, a curriculum evaluator will look for learning experiences that are integrative in nature and meet the needs of the whole child (intellectual, creative, social, and physical).


For the Part I Mission Statement section of the assignment template you should create a school mission statement that clarifies priorities and gives direction to the school organization. Situate your creativity and original mission statement from a local school’s mission statement. Reference that school’s mission statement in the mission statement reference section.

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